Music is closely associated with nature. It will also not be wrong to say that the origin of nature is through sound. And atoms always establish communication with each other. Wherever there is motion there always is a sound, states the law of science. And in absence of sound, the nature would not have been created. This slows the importance of sound in the creation of this nature. And if all these facts are to be interlinked, one thing emerges very clear- that the music that has its origin in some will always remain a boon to the human being as it helps establish communication with each other with a touch of softness. The origin of Indian music finds its roots in the principle of creativity. Indian music always attaches importance to calm and thoughtful emotions, while the western music encourages provocative emotions. In the ancient times. The Vedic religion, was spread in the entire world which had no castes, religions and creeds as its base. And this tradition was maintained in Bharat. The roots of Vedic culture has been deeply rooted in our land as it advocated clam and thoughtful feelings. To strike concentration of mind is the most important aim of Indian music. Liberation of mind from the bondages of life and death is the aim of Indian music. In the ancient times, the seers were using music as a tool to attain ‘Moksha’. The Indian music helps one to concentrate. The law of Physiology says that when the mind is concentrated, the blood circulation is balanced. And in such a body, where blood circulation is regulated, there is hardly any disease. The ‘ragas’ in Indian music are also based on the principles which provide for experience of different stages of human feelings like irritation, happiness, sorrow etc. Some human feelings like irritation, happiness, sorrow etc. Some happenings in the word outside are, therefore necessary for the creation of these beats. A continuous of music has revealed that some specific ‘ragas’ has the power to experience the feeling like happiness, sorrow, pain and anger. For example, raga ‘Todi’ is powerful enough to make one cry, while ‘Shankhadhvani’ make the mind fresh. The ragas like ‘Bhairavi’ makes one to become unattached to the worldly things while yaman creates serene, feelings. Raga ‘Kambhoji’ develops sexual feelings. If one were to give an example of day-to-day life, a child will certainly sleep fast if a luilaby is sung. If the were to be awakened again, a pure tune can do it. The Songs like ‘ Uthi Uthi Fopala’ are, therefore, based on this principle. All these things prove beyond doubt that music certainly plays a positive-both inner and outer-role on the human body. Yogiraj Harkare, a well known spiritual personality, has done a lot of research in this field and has been successful in making patients free from diseases. Whether the effects of music can do wonders in day-to-day life can be subject to research, but experience shows that the experiment of using music as a tool to improve working capacity will certainly give rich dividends. This is because the base of Indian music is to promote spirituality. And it is therefore obvious that after the holy, pure feeling are developed; the human being knows his duties well and spends his life in discharging his duties properly.
- We should have 20 min. to 60 min. recorded audio cassettes of all Ragas.
- One should have to hear ragas three times in a day for balancing main dosha.
- Minimum 20 min. Raga cassette for sub dosha music therapy.
- Music therapy is very effective in balancing two sub dosh as at one time.
- More imbalance treat first vat sub dosh and then second sub dosh.
- Before Music Therapy ‘Head massage’ (Shiro Abhyang) is most necessary.
- Music therapy for diseases- one should hear rags frequently and as per raga’s singing time also.
- No suppression of natural urges during music therapy
- Take a few minutes to sit quietly before and after music therapy returning to activity.
- During Music therapy pleasant environment will have the best influence.
- One should take music therapy in a settled & quite atmosphere with a settled mind.
- Music therapy for sub Dosh is very effective in clinic under supervision of the physician.
- There is no change in Ragas for the treatment of men/women/children.
- During Panchakarma and after Panchakarma music therapy, as advisable.
- Rag cassette should be sweet singing, comfortable voice & slow tone during treatment.
- Treatment for sub dosha should be five days continuously in clinic.
- Advice rag cassette as per Dosha, patient’s constitution & diseases for the treatment at home.
- If you don’t have particular sub Dosh Raga’s cassette you should use dosh balancing cassette instead of it.
- For prevention and maintaining perfect health advice raga cassette as per Raga’s time more than one hour.
- Jaunpuri: Apan disease, constipation, intestinal Gas, urinary tract infection, colic pain.
- Puriya: Hypertension, phobia, heart disorder.
- Darabai Kanada: Headache (acute), migraine, mind concentration, grief, mental shock.
- Puriya Kalyan: Anxiety, leucorrhoea, dysmenorrheal, abdominal pain
- Kedar: Insomnia, Mental retardation, Memory impairment, tonsillitis, Rainitis, Upper respiratory infections.
- Bhairav: Pacifying three dosha diseases, insomnia, and heart disorder.
- Shyam Kalyan: Anger, pacing three dosha disorder.
- Malkauns: Pacify three dosha disorders, fever.
- Kalavati Rag: Labour pain(acute), insomnia (women delivered safely without strain)
- Sam ved Richa: Labour pain, insomnia general debility, tissue building.
- Hindol: Body pain, low back, muscular-skeletal and neurologic pain, vat diseases, Rheumatoid arthritis.
- Deepak: Indigestion, less gastric fire, Hyperacidity.
- Pata Manjiri: Vomiting, less gastric fire, Anorexia.
- Vasant bahar: Pacify pitta diseases, fever.
- Megh Malhar: Irritation of Skin, rakt pitt, leprosy, leucoderma, high gastric fire (Bhakshaka)
- Asawari: Infertility, impotency, Apan disorder and Habitual abortion.
- Shree: Kaph diseases. Swelling, asthma, common cold, weakness.
- Bhairavi: Arthritis, rheumatic disorder muscular & joints pain, heaviness.
- Suddh Bhairavi: Kaph diseases.
- Lalit: Rasyan, Vgikaran (improve sex emotion) Nervous break down.
- Sohani: shock, Grief, phobia.
- Kaphi: Vat, Pitt diseases pacify, mainly eye problem.
- Jay- Jayvanti: Pain reliever, Kaph & vat pacify, bring happiness.