This exotic massage is a signature treatment.
After application of the ayurvedic oil based on your body type, the hot lava stones are used to massage your body. Excellent for tired and aching muscles and to destress the body making you feel lighter than ever. It relieves spasms of the muscles by improving the circulation. It also tones the muscles, relaxes the nerves, helps mobilize fat in a mild way and removes the stiffness from the joints and improves posture.
An intensive treatment that works on neuro muscular tissues, strengthens the nervous system and tones the body. The strong and vigorous massages with deep pressure used in the strokes helps the very stressed body and also helps in weight loss. It tones the muscles and helps to get rid off deep seated toxins.
Pizhichal‘Pizhi’ means ‘Squeezing’ and ‘Chil’ means ‘Vigorous movement.’ It is a procedure of squeezing large quantities of warm medicated oil all over the body with one hand and massaging with the other hand. When administered many times in succession is found to alleviate pains and is very invigorating. This is a unique contribution of Kerala. It has also been proved to be highly effective on its own for treating diseases caused due to vitiation of the Vata humour, especially hemiplegia, paralysis, muscle spasms and other degenerative diseases affecting the muscles. This massage protects you from illnesses and builds up your immunity for a healthy life. It is very useful for rheumatic diseases, sexual weakness, blood pressure, nerve weakness and helps to arrest the ageing process.
A bolus of Navara or Shastika rice cooked with milk and herbal decoctions is made into a fist-sized bundle called a kizhi which is used for fomentation. This is done after the application of medicated oil over the whole body and this induces a sweat. It has its proven efficacy and indicated in muscular disorders, neurological anomalies from paralysis to neuralgias, emaciation, and blood related disorders. This in healthy individuals gives a sedation effect, improves blood circulations and metabolism, makes body feels lighter and relaxed. It makes skin soft and gives special luster and glow. It is used not only as part of Panchakarma but also as an effective treatment for many diseases due to Vata disorders. This strengthening formulation helps combat neurological disorders, rheumatism, arthritis, and malnutrition of limbs.
This is the application of herbal preparations in paste over the hairy part of the head for 30 to 60 minutes. Ingredients of the paste vary according to the nature of the ailment. This is helpful in treating sleep disorders, headache, herriplegia, facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia, hair falling, premature graying, dandruff, etc.
It is a kind of immersion bath where the patient is made to sweat while sitting in a tub filled with a specific warm medical decoction for the whole body or different parts of the body like the hips or feet. This is good for rheumatism, painful urination, hernia, lower backache, arthritis, etc.
An exotic facial using fresh, natural beauty enhancing herbs like milk cream, curd, mint, honey, turmeric and various other ayurvedic herbs. The fresh herbs rejuvenate the skin and the aromas relax the mind. It also helps remove scars, improves the complexion and it soothes and moisturizes the skin.
Dead Sea Face PackA complete facial procedure using a combination of ayurvedic herbs and the highly nourishing and detoxifying mud from the Dead Sea. The high mineral content of the mud is what makes it so effective in detoxifying and rejuvenating the skin by improving the flow of nutrients to the skin surface.
Ayurveda, from time immemorial focussed on anti-aging and rejuvenation programmes to prevent disease process and to maintain an optimum healthy state. This is recommended for anyone above the age of 40 for 14-21 days anually and any one above 60 years for 21 days anually. This programme consists of different Panchakarma and other special Ayurvedic programmes based on the person’s health and body constitution.
An elaborate description of this process of revitalization has been described in the classical texts. According to Charaka, this miraculous change can be brought about if one goes through a prescribed 6-month course of rejuvenation. But this rigorous and disciplined process of classical Ayurvedic rejuvenation is virtually impossible in modern times.
The Ayurvedic Rejuvenatory treatment practised today is called Panchakarma.
Panchakarma therapy is performed in 3 stages:
preparatory procedures that help the body discard the toxins present in the stomach and tissues and help facilitate the toxins to move to the alimentary canal.
main treatment which is designed as per each individual’s needs
post treatment care includes the diet regimen and the other dos and don’ts.
‘Pancha’ means ‘five’ and ‘karma’ means ‘action.’ This five-fold purification therapy aims at correcting the imbalance of the doshas – Vata, Pitta, Kapha in order to maintain their inherent equilibrium. During each season of the year, one or more of the doshas accumulate, which causes an imbalance and makes the body prone to illness. It involves five cleansing procedures:
VIRECHANA – inducing purgation specially for elimination of Pita related toxins from the body. Here, drugs that stimulate bowel movements are induced for the expulsion of excess Pita.
NASYA – nasal cleansing by the application of medical oils or powders. The nostrils are considered the Doorway to the Brain and nasal application of oils is helpful in conditions like allergic sinusitis, migraines and epilepsy. If the Nasya therapy has been carried out effectively, Kapha related toxins from the paranasal sinuses are eliminated and the region nourished. Due to this, the patient feels great relief in the head and clarity of the sense organs. Breathing becomes completely unobstructed which gives sound sleep at night. Olfactory improvement is also felt. Nasya is excellent for chronic sinusitis, headaches, throat diseases, chronic colds, chest congestion, epilepsy, catarrh, migraine, voice constraint, eye diseases and cervical spondilitis.
VASTI – medicated enema is particularly good for alleviating excess Vata. Vasti’s effects are directly felt in the colon, the prime abode of the Vata. With the application of a series of purifying and nourishing Vastis, the morbid doshas and other toxins trapped for long in the tissues are eliminated. This restores the equilibrium of the humours. Vasti is good for spleen disorders, colic, calculus, kidney stones and many other diseases due to a Vata disorder. It helps in chronic constipation, low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, sciatica, various neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, dystrophy and atrophy of nerves and muscles. – Sneha Vasti – enema using medicated oil which remains in the colon and rectum for a short period of time to absorb the toxins and eliminate them out of the body.
NIROOHA VASTI – enema using a special combination of herbal decoctions, paste, powders and oils. It has an effect on the nervous system to help eliminate the imbalances in Vata.
RAKTHAMOKSHANA – to remove impurities from the blood through leech therapy or other methods.
This 5-fold treatment during Panchakarma has not only been intended for elimination of disease-causing toxins but also to replenish the tissues with nourishment. This is why it is often termed as Rejuvenation Therapy.
This therapy also combats neurological ailments like paralysis, arthritis, rheumatism, dermatological problems, and mental disorders.