Dr. GopalKrushna Waghralkar
Dr. GopalKrushna Waghralkar is known as a ‘doctor friend’back home and an expert in Ayurved
throught the world.One need not say, of course, that he maintains the same identity whereever
he goes.He has broughtglory not only for Nagpur,a place in Maharashtra State in India,but to
the entire nation by winning prestigious awards and finding a place in the world's 'Who'sWho'.
Consultant to the World Foundation of Ayurveda Prevention Centre,USA,an advisor to the World
Foundation of Ayurveda,the Director of International Director Ayurved Preventation Centre, America,
and Editor of Quantom Healing,an international medicine journal published from Nagpur.
He is a visiting professor to countries like United States,South Africa,Britain,Japan,Germany,
and Gulf countries to name a few.A cursery look at the following will prove his merit.